Saturday, February 24, 2007
Dad's Photography
Check this out, my Dad has been getting busy now that he's retired. Photography has always been a passion of his and now he has more time (& spare cash) to devote to it.
Looks like it's paying off! I currently have this set as my background on my MacBook but I would love to see it on a large scale printed on a canvas up on the wall of our apartment.
Like it? Want to see more..... check out the beetle.
Posted by
8:20 am
3 rock 'Tide'
Also in the diary for this weekend is working on music for the next installment of the 3rock film DVDs.
Check out the pics from the video shoot, looks cold.
Also check the last 3rock DVD 'escalate'
Posted by
12:02 am
Friday, February 23, 2007
Teenstreet program meetings... in Houston...
By the wonders on modern technology I'm at the Teenstreet 07 program meetings in Houston, this weekend, while still sitting on the couch in my apartment in London beside Paula who's watching TV. If you check out the MacBookPro on Deb's lap I'm on video chat on Skype watching the proceedings.
Posted by
11:53 pm
Sunday, February 18, 2007
New Church
Thankfully it's been a very short journey for us in terms of finding a church to go to here in London.
We thought it might have taken us ages since there are so many but I'm glad to report that wasn't the case.
It was a God thing that brought us there, so that's good... but that's quite a long story. Too long for my head space to try and type up right now.
GVC is where you will find us on Sunday mornings. Great people, great venue, great vision & passion..... I'm sure there will be more stories to come.
Posted by
7:14 pm
as promised long ago....
Ages ago I said that I was writing an article for our friends over at
I did and here's the link to it...
Yo-ho article
Posted by
10:03 am
Tino Sehgal in the ICA
Tino Sehgal link at the ICA.
One of the reasons I wanted to resurrect the blog was the think and process all the different and crazy things we've seen and experienced here in London.
Yesterday we cycled into town for petit dejeuner in Le Pain Quotidien (oh my goodness it's good food). P had to visit Regent street to change something she bought and then she brought me to the Institute of Contemporary Arts on the Mall. I didn't get much information on what it was we were visiting and if you have a look at the link you can see it is suitably vague.
We got there, paid our money and were ushered into a large gallery which had about 15 kids running around playing, so I asked the attendant was it through here.... "No, that's it" was the response. After a minute or two of standing awkwardly up against the wall one of the boys in his blue school jumper came over and explained the rules of the game they were playing. There was nothing for it but to join in .
First up it was a chasing game that left you standing on the spot you were caught with your arms out until you 'freed' someone passing under your arms.
This was pretty hectic partly because I was wearing my cycling shoes with a metal cleat on the bottom so I didn't have much traction.
The second game was much more my style 'sleeping lions' and it was who could stay lying on the ground with out moving for the longest.
After that ended and before 'bulldogs' kicked off we had a quick word with one of the attendants, before we left, who explained that the vision for the work was to see allow kids to play without any objects. There were mixed school groups rotating every 45 minutes between playing and art exploration in the upper gallery, which we couldn't visit.
It was an interesting experience but Paula's question when we left said a lot about what I was thinking: 'Was it art?'
Posted by
9:17 am
Wow... it's been a while
In fact it has been way too long even for apologies. So in my best attempt here's some excuses.
I tried to move my blog to our homepage but it got hacked in August.
We upped sticks and left Swansea for the bright lights of London in September and we've been doing our best to settle in here.
John Ryan was round here for a beer last Sunday night with Will McGarry and he was wondering what ever happened to the blog...... John, this one's for you.
More to come
love ya,
come drink beer/coffee/wine with us in London
Posted by
9:13 am