Just back from Germany...
Check out the news on rolandandpaula.com there is info about our recent trip to a Festival in Germany. Also a link to a video...
Roly Miller, Ryland Mohler, DJ Roly, DJ Deitmar & Paradys the various pseudonyms of Roland Miller waxes lyrical about living life on the cusp of God's wave.
Check out the news on rolandandpaula.com there is info about our recent trip to a Festival in Germany. Also a link to a video...
Posted by
11:30 am
I don't know what the story is but we can sort out swapping our phone line over to the new house but we can't swap the Broadband over, high tech eh?
What am I to do?
It might be a little while before I'm back on line but you can still get me on email.
See you all back online soon, I hope!
Posted by
3:04 pm
Ouch, Paula and myself just had all the fun of moving house! Oh the joys!
Thankfully our friend Peyton had dropped his wife Andrea off to travel to the States and had some time to help us with the move. He was amazing and wasn't prepared to quit until it was all in, even though he had to be up at 4 a.m. to get Andrea on the road to the airport.
We had to contend with the 68 steps up to out front door on the house that we were leaving but that made the moving in a doddle. Right in the middle of moving all the stuff we had, what was meant to be, a quick pit-stop but we got on to the subject of church and gifts. It was dark and raining by the time we got back to moving any more gear but it was great to chat, the pizza was good, Paula's homemade spicy veg soup was great and the conversation was stimulating.
Paula is amazing at packing up stuff and getting on with it all. Our transition this time has been frustrated in the fact that I have been on the road so much recently and we couldn't get a good run at it to get organised. Paula none the less got down to it and made it all happen. I have an amazing wife.
I had a solid nights sleep even though we didn't quit till nearly midnight and I had to be on a train to London first thing in the morning.
Now we have to get on with the settling-in process. It's no fun living in a maze of boxes for too long, although we have plenty of room in the new place so it might be possible to just locate them all in one room and we can lock the door and ignore it! Which reminds me of what a terrible procrastinator I am! Which leads me nicely on to the fact that I'll have a room to myself as a studio, sweet, so I'd better get on and make some tunes.
Better go finish cleaning the Oven!!! Again Big thanks to Peyton for the help, you rock, brother!!
Posted by
1:24 pm
I've just woken up in Seattle, it rocks. Starbucks central. I was just in one and it's 5.30 am nice and early, a great destination for a jog!
Went to see the Sonics beat Utah Jazz last night.
It is going to be coffee, coffee, coffee all week. I'm hoping to learn loads more! It has already been an education being in Seattle, it is the city of coffee.
Off to grab a shower and head to SBUX HQ.
Love ya all.
Posted by
2:21 pm
I've been asked to write some articles for Young Hope (www.yo-ho.net) so I'm doing some mental processing for that right now.
I was running up and down to Cardiff & our local Boarders for training over the Jan/Feb, so I've been pretty wrecked and haven't had very much head space to get anything down on paper.
I have had to prioritise other (more important) stuff up till now this year so... I'm getting started again at the moment.
Seattle this weekend to visit coffee heaven, Starbucks HQ, the first store in Pike Place and the roasting plant. To me it's like a visit to Willy Wonka's. So as I'm excited as Charlie and Grandpa Joe rolled into one! The down side is that P's not coming.
Off to Birmingham for more training when I'm back from Seattle and on to Dublin for a Young Hope Vision meeting.
On the road I am going to try and keep my thought processes going so that I'll be ready to blurt it all out on return to my little Powerbook.
Posted by
10:25 pm
It's been a while.
Plenty on the go.
I'm training to be a store manager in Cardiff this week so I'm away.
All the same I am processing and I have stuff in my head to get down in writing.
It's all brewing up and will come out at some stage.
Until then keep coming back
Posted by
7:13 pm